(with details about what programme of HKU you have choose, list out automatically which programme you can entered
if you meet the minimum requirement..some other not really useful information...-_-'')
Chemistry 17 May 2005 (Band A Candidate only)
Chemistry with Management
MBBS 23 May 2005 (CE 好高分果D
law >.<) Environmental life science (Band A Candidate only) Earth Science (Band A Candidate only)
Econ & Finance (把分數REPLACE你個AS成績as
long as你個AS成績低於佢個INTERVIEW SCORE)
Medical Engineering NEW! [by kenneth] Accounting and Finance NEW! [by kenneth]
Mechanical Engineering 15 / 17 June 2005
NEW! [by kenneth]
Engineering / Electronic & Communciation Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Information Engineering (JUPAS code:
6339) 20 - 24 June 2005 NEW! [by kenneth] (P.S. Deadline: 16 June 2004)
-Careers Talk
Admission Talks for JUPAS Applicants
We are pleased to inform you
that the seven faculties of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, including the Faculty of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Medicine,
Science and Social Science, have arranged a series of admission talks for JUPAS applicants in May this year. Through
attending these talks and meeting those professors and departmental representatives directly responsible for undergraduate
admissions in 2005, applicants will be able to gain a thorough understanding on the admission requirements or curriculum design
of different CUHK programmes.
Please refer to the Information Sheet which is available online
( for the
date, time and venue of the admission talks organized. We sincerely invite you to participate in these talks and to
take advantage of the opportunity to know more about CUHK and its programmes before the deadline stipulated by the JUPAS Office
for changes in programme choices.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
2609 8947 or 2609 8951.
Talk 同Open Day 果D應該一樣。。去唔去自已諗la....我八到新野先話俾大家知~
-Interview: Maths physics Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering 23 / 24 June 2005
[by kenneth] System Engineering and Engineering Management NEW!
[by kenneth] Computer Science
NEW! [by kenneth] Economics NEW! [by kenneth]
- Information Session: Electronic Engineering 20 / 23 June 2005 NEW! [by kenneth]
qfn BBA (Candidate with 26marks or above in CE usually) GBus Dual Degree Tech
& Mang Comp Eng 14 May 2005 accounting
Electronic Engineering 14 May 2005
-information forum
IEEM 7 May2005
Chemistry 14 May 2005 NEW
-Design 18 May 2005
上年既industrial design paper: 1)問你讀個科係咩黎。例如:What
is industrial design? 2)畫地圖(俾左幾個country),你自己成個map畫返出黎。 3)design一樣你眼見到既野。 4)俾幾張圖你,問你圖入面既野係咩黎。 5)畫張chair,要畫六個定八個唔同既角度。 6)問你poly
design有咩不足。 7)要你開一間公司,你會請邊三個人?salary係幾多?條件又係咩?
Code |
Programme Title |
Details |
3911 |
Accountancy |
Date of Interview: in June Mode: group discussion/interview Aims: to
evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills. Medium:
English Duration: 30 minutes Remark: only Band A applicants will be invited
for interview. |
3466 |
Accounting and Finance |
Date of Interview: in June Mode: group discussion/interview Aims:
to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills. Medium:
English Duration: 30 minutes Remark: only Band A applicants will be invited for
interview. |
3923 |
Applied Biology with Biotechnology |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: aptitude
test and group discussion/individual interview Aims: to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest
in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills and understanding of the industry. Medium:
English Duration: about 30 minutes Remark: only Band A and B applicants
will be considered. |
3753 |
Building Services Engineering |
Date: formal interviews will normally take place in July after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode:
individual interview Medium: English Duration: 15 minutes Aims:
to identify applicants who are self-motivated and enthusiastic about pursuing study in Building Services Engineering. Remarks:
normally only those applicants who have included Building Services Engineering as their Band A choice are invited for interviews. |
3416 |
Business Administration and Engineering |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of HKALE result. Mode: group discussion
and/or individual interview Aims: to evaluate the applicants' potential in the programme. To examine their
communication skill and their interest in the field of studies. Medium: English Duration:
about 10 - 15 minutes Remark: suitable applicants may be invited to interviews. |
3868 |
Computing |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
discussion and/or individual interview Aims: to understand the applicant's potential and interest in the
award, to ascertain their understanding and expectation of the discipline of study and career, and to evaluate their
language and communication abilities. Media: English and Cantonese Duration: about
10-15 minutes Remark: only selected applicants will be invited for an interview. |
3569 |
Design |
Date of interview: in July, after the announcement of the HKALE results. Modes: aptitude
test (normally takes place in May before the interview), portfolio presentation and interview Aims: to
understand the applicant's potential in Advertising Design, Environmental Design, Industrial Design or Visual Communication
Design at the degree level, to ascertain that their expectations match what the programme/career can provide, and to evaluate
their language, communication and interpersonal skills. Medium: English Duration:
3 hours for the aptitude test and 15 minutes for the interview Remarks: before the aptitude test, applicants
are required to declare their intended choice of specialism, which will be one of the considerations for admission to the
programme. Only applicants who have attained the minimum entrance requirements and performed satisfactorily in the aptitude
test will be invited for interviews. Normally, only applicants who choose this programme as their Band A choice throughout
the application period will be considered. |
3715 |
Electrical Engineering |
Date of Interview: in June Mode: individual interview Aims: to
evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, to test their language and communication skills, and to
find out about their extracurricular activities and community service. Medium: English Duration:
about 10-15 minutes Remark: only suitable applicants will be invited to interviews. |
3985 |
Engineering Physics |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of the HKALE results and the finalisation of applicant
choices. Mode: individual interview with the presence of not less than two interviewers Aims:
to evaluate the applicant's interest in the Programme, their communication skills, their suitability to study in
the Programme and their all-roundedness. Media: Cantonese, English and other languages if necessary Duration:
about 10-15 minutes Remark: JUPAS applicants in Band A will be invited to attend interviews. |
3521 |
Enterprise Engineering and E-Business |
Date of Interview: in June Mode: individual interview Aims: to
allow applicants to have a better understanding of the programme and to test their communication skills. Media:
Cantonese and English Duration: about 10 minutes Remark: suitable applicants will
be invited to interviews. |
3430 |
Enterprise Information Systems |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
discussion and/or individual interview Aims: to understand the applicant's potential and interest in
the award, to ascertain their understanding and expectation of the discipline of study and career, and to
evaluate their language and communication abilities. Media: English and Cantonese Duration:
about 10-15 minutes Remark: only selected applicants will be invited for an interview. |
3492 |
Fashion and Textiles |
Date of Interview: in July (between 10 July and 28 July 2005) after the announcement of the
HKALE results. Mode: individual interview Aim: to access the suitability of the candidates
for the programme. Medium: English Duration: about 15 to 30 minutes (for the
interview) Remarks: suitable candidates for the Fashion & Textile Design specialism will be required
to attend tests and/or interview. It is encouraged for those who are offered and interview to bring a portfolio of work along. Suitable
candidates for the Fashion Technology specialism, the Fashion & Textile Marketing & Merchandising specialism and the
Fashion Retailing specialism may be invited to an interview. |
3595 |
Financial Services |
Date of Interview: in June Mode: group discussion/interview Aims: to
evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills. Medium:
English Duration: 30 minutes Remark: only Band A applicants will be invited to
interview. |
3727 |
Geomatics |
Date of Interview: between May and July before the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode:
group discussion Aims: to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to test
their language and communication skills and their understanding of the industry. Medium: English Duration:
about 30 minutes Remark: all Band A applicants will be invited for interviews. |
3533 |
Global Supply Chain Management |
Date of Interview: 13 - 17 June 2005 Mode: group discussion/interview Aims:
to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to test their language and communication
skills. Medium: English Duration: about 10-15 minutes Remark: only
Band A applicants will be invited to interviews. |
3882 |
Hotel Management |
Suitable JUPAS applicants may be invited to interviews around the end of July 2005.
3698 |
Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Date of Interview: in June Mode: individual interview Aims: to
allow applicants to have a better understanding of the programme, and to test their communication skills. Media:
Cantonese and English Duration: about 10 minutes Remark: suitable applicants
will be invited to interviews. |
3856 |
Information Technology |
Date of Interview: in July after announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
discussion and/or individual interview Aims: to understand the applicant's potential and interest in
the award, to ascertain their understanding and expectation of the discipline of study and career, and to evaluate their
language and communication abilities. Media: English and Cantonese Duration: about
10-15 minutes Remark: only selected applicants will be invited for interviews. |
3674 |
International Shipping and Transport Logistics |
Date of Interview: in June Mode: group discussion/interview Aims: to
evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills. Medium:
English Duration: about 10-15 minutes Remark: only Band A applicants will
be invited for interviews. |
3583 |
Management |
Date of Interview: in June before the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
interview/discussion Aims: to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to
test their language and communication skills. Medium: English Duration: about 15-25
minutes Remark: only Band A applicants will be invited to interviews. |
3894 |
Marketing |
Date of Interview: in June before the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode:
group discussion/interview Aims: to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme,
and to test their language and communication skills. Medium: English Duration: about
15-25 minutes Remark: only Band A applicants will be invited for interviews. |
3478 |
Medical Laboratory Science |
Date of Interview: interview for JUPAS applicants will be held on 25 and 26 July, after the announcement
of the HKALE results. Mode: individual interview Aims: to evaluate the applicant's
potential and interest in the programme, and to test the applicant's language and communication skill and their
understanding of the industry. Medium: English Duration: about 10-15 minutes Remarks:
only Band A applicants will be invited to interviews. |
3624 |
Occupational Therapy |
Date of Interview: in May Mode: group interview and discussion Aims:
to evaluate the applicants' potential and interest in the programme and profession, and the applicant's language and communication
skills. Medium: English Duration: 1.5 hour Remarks: only selected
applicants will be invited to group interview and discussion. |
3650 |
Optometry |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode:
individual interview Aims: to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to
test their language and communication skills Medium: English Duration:
15-20 minutes Remark: only Band A applicants will be invited to interviews. |
3545 |
Social Policy and Administration |
Date of Interview: in July, after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
interview Aims: to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to test their understanding
of the sector. Medium: Cantonese Duration: 45 minutes Remarks:
only Band A and B applicants will be invited to interviews. |
3662 |
Social Work |
Date of Interview: in July, after the announcement of the HKALE results. Modes: written
test, group discussion and creative work in group Aims: to evaluate the applicant's potential and interest
in the programme and profession, and to test their language competence and skills in interpersonal communication and team
work. Media: Cantonese and English Duration: about 3 hours Remarks:
only Band A and Band B applicants will be invited to interviews. |
3870 |
Tourism Management |
Suitable JUPAS applicants may be invited to interviews around the end of July 2005. |
Higher Diploma |
Code |
Programme Title |
Details |
3014 |
Applied Physics |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode:
group interview Aim: to evaluate the applicant's interest in the programme. Media:
Cantonese and English Duration: about 20-30 minutes Remark: all qualified applicants
will be interviewed. |
3193 |
Multimedia Design and Technology |
Date of Interview: in July, after the announcement of the HKALE results. Modes: aptitude
test, portfolio presentation and group interview Aims: to understand the applicant's potential and interest
in multimedia design with digital technology, to ascertain that their expectations match what the programme/career can provide,
and to evaluate their language, communication and interpersonal skills. Medium: English Duration:
20 to 30 minutes per group Remarks: only applicants who have attained the minimum entrance requirements
will be invited for interviews. Note that normally only applicants choose this programme as their Band A or B choice throughout
the application period will be considered. |
3246 |
Product Innovation Technologies |
Date of Interview: in July after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
discussion Aims: to understand the applicant's potential and interest in the award, to ascertain their
understanding and expectation of the discipline of study and career, and to evaluate their language and communication abilities.
Media: English and Cantonese Duration: about 15-30 minutes Remarks:
only selected applicants will be invited for interviews. Normally, only applicant who choose this programme as their Band
A or B choice throughout the application period will be considered. |
3272 |
Social Policy and Administration |
Date of Interview: in July, after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
discussion Aims: to understand the applicant's interest in and academic potential for studying the programme,
and to assess the applicant's language and communication skills. Media: Cantonese and English Duration:
about one hour Remarks: normally only Band A & B applicants will be considered. |
3167 |
Social Work |
Date of Interview: in July, after the announcement of the HKALE results. Mode: group
discussion Aims: to understand the applicant's interest in and academic potentials for studying the programme,
and to assess their language and communication skills. Medium: Cantonese Duration:
about one hour Remarks: normally only Band A & B applicants will be invited to interviews. |
- Interview: Electrical Engineering 16 June 2005 NEW! [by
kenneth] Industrial & System Engineering
16 June 2005 NEW! [by
kenneth] Management 20
June 2005 NEW! (P.S. 由於太多人apply呢個programme,
所以冇得in唔使驚) [by kenneth] Marketing 20 June 2005 NEW! (P.S. 由於太多人apply呢個programme,
所以冇得in唔使驚) [by kenneth] International Shipping & Transport Logistics 14 June 2005
NEW! [by kenneth] Accountancy
(3911) NEW! [by kenneth]
- Interview: visual art 14 June 2005 NEW! [by
Journalism 17 June 2005 NEW! [by kenneth]
Marketing (All Candidates Applied) BBA China Business
Creative Media 23 June 2005 NEW!!
Date: 25/5/2005 (Wed) Time: 1430-1630 Prog: Comp Eng (1573), Electronic & Comm. Eng (1585), Info. Eng (1597)
CityU's Business Education Outreach Programme
To help you make an informed choice of university
programme, we are pleased to invite you to the following event: |
Date: |
20 May 2005 (Friday) |
Time: |
6:30-8:00 p.m. |
Venue: |
LT-2, Level 4, Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong | |
- Talk on CityU's 15 BBA programmes and related career paths
- How to prepare for Admissions Interviews
- Q and A / Campus Tour
To enroll in the programme, please visit this site:
JUPAS Website
We have newly designed a website for JUPAS applicants who are interested in our
BBA programmes. You will find a lot of information such as admissions tips, career information, CityU's exchange programmes,
internship programmes, etc. The link to the site is: |
- Interview 開始左,由15 June 2005 to 16
June 2005 NEW!!
Early Childhood Education
General Suitability Interview
Physical Education
Art / Visual Arts
number, thx!!
[by kenneth]
-no update